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Expunge your past conviction


In California, relief can be granted to expunge a criminal record. This is a process of dismissing or setting aside your criminal conviction. Not everyone is eligible for this relief. However, if you were placed on probation or sentenced pursuant to Penal Code section 1170(h), which means you did not go to prison, you may be eligible to clear your record through the expungement process. Obtaining an expungement after successful completion of probation can be extremely beneficial. Clearing your criminal record can assist in finding employment, a home to rent, or even in obtaining a professional license. Not all convictions can be expunged. For some cases, there are other types of post-conviction relief that can be granted. If you have questions about your case and post-conviction relief available to you, call the Law Office of Monica L. Bermudez. Ms. Bermudez will determine if your conviction qualifies for expungement and the steps needed to achieve relief for you. Some convictions that are eligible for expungement include both misdemeanor and felony offenses such as:

Drug possession and other drug related crimes
Domestic violence
Drug Charges
Gang Charges
DUI, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Prostitution & Sex Crimes
Stolen property offenses, petty theft, shoplifting
Assault, assault with a deadly weapon, battery


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