Image 661-616-2141 M-F 8am-5pm


Aggressive Representation


A Felony is the most serious allegation you can be charged with in State Court. Felonies range from acts of violence, theft, and drug charges to more serious crimes such as murder and rape. Consequences of felonies can range from community service to a commitment in state prison. An accused can suffer lifetime consequences for a felony offense, such as loss of gun rights, sex registration and even living with a strike on your record.

The best way to protect your rights and your freedom is to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney, such as Ms. Bermudez the moment you are at risk of being charged with any criminal offense. An early investigation that aims at proving your innocence is key to a successful fight in any criminal proceedings. Trust Ms. Bermudez to guide you and tell your story. Call Ms. Bermudez for a consultation today.

Domestic Violence
Sex Crimes
Weapons Charges
Drug Charges
Gang Charges
Fraud Charges
Computer Crimes
Three Strikes
Welfare Fraud
Felony DUI
Serious Traffic Violations
Child Endangerment
Probation Violations
Auto Theft
Violent Crimes
Firearm Offenses


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